
LEVACO participates at the “Chemical Innovation Exchange” (CIEX)

Wednesday, 25. October 2023

Join Marius Mühlenberg and Dr. Jens Kubitschke
at the “Chemical Innovation Exchange” (CIEX),
October 25-26, 2023 in Frankfurt

LEVACO strives to promote the chemical industry's path towards sustainability. In this context, we are looking forward to a lively discussion with the panelists and the visitors of the CIEX, which will focus on sustainability linked to competitiveness.

Marius Mühlenberg (CEO) participates as panelist to discuss about “An Industrial Revolution – Going digital, circular, sustainable and climate neutral” with focus on

  • Looking to the horizon: 2050 EU Green Deal and Chemical Industry Transition Pathway guiding objectives and timeline
  • Pulling the necessary levers to deliver: industrial and innovation policy shifts, financial instruments and availability of renewable energy at scale
  • Celebrating successes and taking stock of barriers still to overcome (renewable energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions etc.)
  • Establishing the KPIs to evaluate progress

Dr. Jens Kubitschke (Head of R&D) will speak about “Being agile – the key to long term success in an ever-changing world” with focus on

  • Time to market in an agile SME like LEVACO
  • Prerequisites for being agile: Organization, People, Atmosphere, Leadership
  • Customer centricity in sustainable product development to improve competitiveness

We look forward to seeing your there!


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